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Showing posts from March, 2020

Twins playing with a new game

They don't know the rule but playing it fine

Ton baked chocolate chip cookies

Yellow daisy in full bloom

Snow on cherry-blossom

 A video of snowing on the cherry blossoms .

Family glamping

Photos here . Social distancing at glamping just with family. The rain waited for us to get back inside after dark, twins could play at the play ground. Cooked hot pot which was a hit. Twins were happily playing climbing up and down the bunk bed. Rest of the family were happy making s'mores. I was happy I could read. It got cold from the night and we burnt almost all the firewood at the stove. It snowed the following day, and snowed quite a lot on the highway. Driving over the rainbow bridge made me a bit nervous driving on snow but we made it safe back home. It was a good break, leaving Tokyo, say away from the news mostly reporting COVID-19.

Naoya after hospital visit

 Naoya eating ice cream Naoya with Ampan man lunch Dr. said he was getting better so stay on medication, and come back if he gets worse. Yay!

Eating Masa's steam cake for snack

 Naoya having a cupcake and a resin accessary Ton made Masaki

Masaki eating strawberry & vanilla ice cream

Clinic visit

 Naoya using an inhaler  Masaki waiting Naoya with oxygen because his saturation was low

Lunch at The City Bakery

They love the corner table

Late lunch at usual Starbucks

 Yellow flowers and yellow Naoya  Masaki likes cinnamon roll  Naoya tried cheese tart Masaki eating ham & cheese sandwich Naoya started coughing bad last night, we cancelled going down to jiji & baba's for weekend. We stayed home the most of the day, though went out for a late lunch at Starbucks, and hit a small park for a bit. I hope he's not getting the latest virus... He had pneumonia once so I'm a bit worried...

Cooking French at home

 French cooking recipe book by Kikuchi Chef  Ton cutting burdock  Pork, cabbage, and burdock stew  Chicken gratin Dinner! Bought this recipe book, and tried a couple of dishes from it. Ton helped cooking, too. Risa & Sara joined the dinner, though twins weren't so excited about the menu, and rather wanted to play.

Break at a coffee shop

 Cherry blossom cup cake Double twins cup cake break

Twins' favorite toy at preschool

They can't leave...

Smirk, The Scream @Royal Norwegian Embassy

Sweet bean butter paste & Pistachio cream

 粒あんバター Sweet bean butter paste  Pistachio cream How can it be bad!

Break at Bricolage Bread after school

 Egg tart Ginger ale

Ton eating a chocolate Naoya made at school

Almond milk latte at Starbucks

 They started providing almond milk and oat milk. Decaf almond milk latte with extra foam

Naoya got a chocolate

They had egg hunting at preschool, and twins got a chocolate each.

Twins having breakfast with Pikachus

 Masaki Naoya

Flowers of the month

山形の啓翁桜、トルコ桔梗(プリマラベンダー)、チューリップ(ヴォーグ) KEIO ZAKURA cherry blossom from Yamagata Pref., Texas bluebells, tulips

Micky hat duo


特選 鱒の寿司 by 丸龍庵

Playing with Risa & Sara at park after school

 Hello?  Masaki and Risa  Naoya and Sara on a swing  Naoya and Sara  Tandem swing! Break at NtS Coffee while raining