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Galettes from MAISON BRETONNE®

Found the boys'  favorite crape food truck at National Azabu Supermarket.  The boys love their galettes and the people at food truck remembers them! The boys waited patiently until they get ready to serve their favorite chocolate galette, while their mom looking through the foreign book fair the supermarket was having. 
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Tokyo Photographic Art Museum

 October 1 is a Tokyo Citizen Day, and some of the museums and parks run by Tokyo government have free admission day. We went to Tokyo Photographic Art Museum in Ebisu, where they had Iwai Toshio's exhibition . The boys love his picture books of "The House with 100 Stories" .  The boys were reluctant to go, but at the end, didn't want to leave because they enjoyed it so much.  They were so hungry we went to Cafe de Crie, the papa and Guzofski's old hang out at Ebisu Garden Place.  Photos here .



Clam couscous アサリのクスクスピラフ

  It was so delicious!    美味しくできました。

New door installed

  Before inside Before outside After inside After outside

Today's flowers 今日のお花

  Oncidium/dancing lady orchid, Texas blue bell, calla lily, dryandra formosa, Cooktown orchid, Veronica/speedwell, and dracaena.   オンシジウム(ハニーエンジェル)、トルコ桔梗(シュガーホワイト)、カラー(キャプテンベンチュラ)、ドライアンドラ(フェルモーサ)、デンファレ(ジンダスィート)、ベロニカ(ピンクタマスク)、ドラセナ(ソングジャマイカ)

First MIKAN of the season presented by Naoya



『いちじくの濃厚ソースにクリームチーズと練乳、さらに生いちじくをごろっとのせた贅沢な逸品です。』 お店の前にあったポスターに引き寄せられ、思わず注文。美味しゅうございました。

モロヘイヤだし うどん




Fig & mozzarella, fried fig with blue cheese

Before the season ends... 

Tlacoyoトラコヨ@Los Tacos Azules

 Goat cheese filled with masa dough, grilled cactus on top.