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Showing posts from October, 2022


  Homemade nachos with homemade salsa & guacamole. Can't stop...

Halloween 2022

Leaving for trick or treating at shopping street near by. Naoya

Croissant sandwich

Truffle salami, fig, and blue cheese!  

Croissants aux amandesクロワッサン・オ・ ザマンド

  Found distress croissants and turned them into croissants aux amandes. Came out very good, as good as the ones you buy at a French bakery. Hooray! 見切りのクロワッサンを発見。家に残っていたアーモンドパウダーを使ってクロワッサン・オ・ ザマンド。お店で売っているのと遜色ないぐらい美味しく出来た!

Wandering around shopping street


Meanwhile, boys at park

Juice break I can see his future...?

Mo's chorus contest at junior high school

Love the  chalk  arts at 3rd graders class rooms, and the view from the window. His class won the contest! 3-1 3-2 3-3

Mo's arts from exhibition at junior high school




寿司清 Quick sushi lunch


He's ready for Halloween


Maritozzo & cafe latte @ Drogheria Sancricca

Sospiro certified chef at Drogheria Sancricca

This month's flowers

  アルストロメリア (ハニーソフィア)、カンガルーポ(オレンジ)、ドライアンドラ(フォルモーサ)、スプレーバラ(ブルターニュ)、ケイトウ(サンデーオレンジ)、メラレウカ(レボリューションゴールド)、ガーベラ(マリブ) Alstroemeria, kangaroo-paw, dryandora, spray rose, cockscomb, melaleuca, and gerbera

Big shiitake mushrooms

 The boys for scale.

Mt. Fuji


Popcorn break before leaving kindergarten

 They planted and harvested popcorn corns at kindergarten, and made popcorn today for birthday party. There were a lot they had some more after leaving kindergarten. 

October birthday party at kindergarten

  Naoya Masaki Naoya birthday card Masaki birthday card

Lunch at Miyashita Azabu Juban

  銀鱈西京焼 玉ねぎのすり流し、白菜と油揚げの煮浸し、キノコの醤油煮、ナスの含め煮、蕪の煮物、舞茸の天ぷら、鶏の塩煮、トマトの含め煮、牛蒡とベーコンの金平、赤蒟蒻、甘唐辛子の炒り煮、帆立のさつま揚げ、里芋の素揚げ、卵焼き

Hot Nola and beignet at Blue Bottle Omotesando

   Beignet made a comeback, and my favorite NOLA is served hot now! Charging up for the afternoon. I survived another busy week last week, and gave myself a pat on my back during a break.