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Showing posts from February, 2019

Naoya crying on the floor in front of Meidi-ya

Throwing tantrum...

Cream bread treat after school

 Naoya eating a cream bread Masaki eating a cream bread

Naoya with "apple cheeks"

Erythema infectiosum it is.

Enjoying a glass of Riesling Kabinett

Morning with twins

 Bagels!  Mama's chai tea latte Cupcakes! A video of  twins playing with water .

Twin brothers

Quick pizza dinner at TAC

 Naoya eating pizza  Masaki eating pizza Naoya dipping french fries with ketchup

Waiting for diaper change at preschool

Naoya challenging Cinnabon

A video of  Naoya actually just licking on icing .

Ton having Cinnabon break after first contact lenses

Naoya test driving Lisa & Sara's new stroller attachment

Sick girl having a quick snack after a clinic visit

Which one is a sick baby?

Brunch with twins at TAC

 Naoya  Masaki  Masaki playing with a choo-choo train Naoya driving

Mo got Philly cheese steak

Going to Father & Daughter dance

Boys needed nap

Soba lunch with Ton

My lunch 

What Mo got for his Valentine's Day

Naoya in the snow

A short video here .

Naoya reading a book

And a video here .

BF at Bricolage bread

 Spinach, bacon, and egg open sandwich Escargot and coco bread

Ice cream cake!

 Masaki   Naoya Mo

A day with twins

 Cupcakes!  Ice!  Slide!  Water! Videos of Naoya cleaning the window , and Naoya jumping, Masaki goofing around .

Tokyo tower made with macaroons at Intercontinental

Lunch with Yoshimi san, followed by a nice coffee break

Happy jiji with 400g of steak

Well earned lunch

Volunteering at Mo's social study class at school

 Grilling mochi Mochi! Part of the course of using the old days tools, Mo's class had this SHICHIRIN grill use which requested volunteers. So, jiji came to help, basically helped each group to set fire, and even offered his own mochi he made back home. Mo loved it off course. Thanks jiji!

Family breakfast while Ton was away for sleep over

 Mo with fresh OJ Family breakfast A video of babies walking, Mo on a bicycle here .