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Dinner at Hi Nichi Nichi 日日日

 Heard they started a menu with fresh green Japanese peppercorn, I couldn't resist but made a reservation. 

Shabushabu is cooked in kelp DASHI soup first, then served with jelly sauce. Fresh spiciness of green peppers tells me the season on my tongue. Delicious fish plates, just right seasoning. Thank you very much for the awesome food again! Very happy!


Tea & UME Plum liquor
Sea bream sashimi, with minced leek and sea urchin
鮪 Tuna
Grilled swordfish, lotus root, bamboo shoot, turnips, aralia sprout, and alpine leek
AHANDA SOMEN noodle, bitter DAIKON radish, and water shield
Beef shabu shabu with green Japanese peppercorn, PONZU jelly sauce
Sea bream on sushi rice, red miso soup with citrus & black 7 flavored pepper
鮪寿司風丼 卵黄ソース 
Tuna on sushi rice with yolk & soy sauce
Vanilla ice with salt and SHOCHU spirits, MONAKA cake filled with white and black sweet bean paste


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