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This week we had Setsubun Day, the eve of the beginning of spring. Many of you are familiar with Mamemaki, where you scatter soy beans in the house, to drive demons away. But, did you also know it was Norimaki (sushi roll) day, too?
I guess some of you may remember a Sushi chain restaurant TV commercial, which offered a seasonal Norimaki set a couple years ago? I didn't believe there was a Norimaki Day, but apparently it really does exist, in Kansai. On the night of Setsubun, you face toward the source of the god of fortune, and eat a whole Norimaki without cutting it or talking. The practice started
in the Edo era, and I'm sure that even then there was a Nori-sea weed committee conspiring how to get consumers to eat more Nori!
Kind of like Valentines day in Japan, which is now the largest chocolate sales day of the year.


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