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Video Games

17 years ago, Nintendo started selling Fami-con's (Family computers). I can recall the sensation it caused, because now you could play games at home instead of having to go to an arcade and slip in coins every time you wanted to kill off a few Space Invaders. It was impressive to see how in a few short months, Nintendo became very popular overseas, too.
I read an article recently that says the young generation of Japan is now used to playing with
computers (through games), by using thumb controlled mini joysticks, rather than keyboards or mice. Since DoCoMo was smart enough to include such a user interface device in the i-mode, this apparently is one major reason why the phones have been so much more successful than pen-operated devices.
Compared to the games of today, the early games look so easy and simple. The new complexity is thanks to thousands of programmers and designers who make a living by playing games. But sometimes I wish that I could go back to the old days, especially when I get stuck in my latest version of Zelda....


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