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Real Life

Do you want to live in Harrods? They're recruiting 4 people to spend a week as a family at the front window of the famous Harrods department store in London. This is an event sponsored by LG, the major Korean home electric appliances company. They will display the latest their own product, such as fridge, washing machine, microwave, etc. which are networked and operational via internet, in 4 rooms (kitchen, dining, etc.), to actually demonstrate these during their real everyday living life.
The real life TV show's been pretty popular these last a couple of years. In US, "The Osbournes" in MTV is such a huge hit. It's a real life TV show of the Ozzy Osbourne's family. Strange family (off course, the father is the guru of rock!) with usual life events decorated with extraordinary people/events. Maybe the expectations of the unexpected happenings are high, or people are too remote from the real encounter in their real life.
On the other hand, I see lots of happenings, good or bad, in the office, every single day. The truth is stranger than fiction.


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