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Ordinary day until...

It was an ordinary day. She had good naps both in the morning and afternoon, went out for a short walk about an hour. She ate two meals fine. After bath, she was grumpy and puked a lot. Yes, a lot. Then had some breast milk to ease, she puked again! So I gave her water instead of breast milk. She started dozing off about 5 min later, and puked AGAIN!! After the third vomit, she fall asleep. She must be exhausted.

What's happening to her?? The food was ordinary food she's used to eat. Maybe jumping in the bath many times wasn't good....?


Anna said…
Hi Hiroko and Chikage,

Hang in there Hiroko... baby vomiting at that age could be teeth or just a bug or simply the heat. It isn't the food! It can last 12-48 hours and sleep and being cranky is the best option. Just watch for dehydration. Don't start to refeed her until she has managed to keep down something like Pedilyte or Gatorade. They have electrolytes, fluid and a little sugar. Once she keep that down, then you can start feeding her again. She will let you know.

I love watching her grow.


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