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Just a thought...

Swung by to get some cosmetic supplies in Shibuya, found out the products weren't in inventory due to the Tohoku Earthquake which damaged the factory. It's not a big deal and surely I can live without it, but being hopeful, left a message to call me when the factory would come back again. It's been 3 months and life in Tokyo seems got back to almost normal, but things aren't the same anymore. It might be a cliche, but was the earthquake Pandora? We don't know what's going to happen nor when actually things settle down: omen was left in the box and we human cannot ever have...


Myron said…
I think it's safe to say that things will never be the same in the area of Japan devastated by the earthquake and the tsunami. Just as things will never be the same in New Orleans.

In Tokyo, the loss of electrical generating power will alter, forever, the life of many businesses.

But remember, people are resilient - and the Japanese people are especially so.


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