さて、 自分の頃を思い出しながら、列に並んで給食を分けてもらい、席に着き、皆さんでいただきますをして試食です。子供用なのでお箸もちょっと短めで食べにく かったけれど、お味はよかったです。ゴーヤチャンプルーも苦くなく、玉葱の甘さが出ていて、子供でも食べられる感じに仕上がっていました。おまけのサー ターアンダーギーもあって、食後若干胸焼けがしたけれど、これで350円で作ってくれるなんて、本当に頭が下がります。
a sampling of school lunch at my daughter's elementary school. Today's
menu was Okinawan dishes: rice cooked with pork and seaweed, bitter
cucumber with tofu and egg, seaweed soup, pineapple, carrot with tuna,
milk, and Okinawa style doughnut. The same menu school kids were having
today, which was 603kcal, excluding the carrot and tuna and doughnut
that were specially prepared for the parents attending the tasting. So
the nutrition at school explained how they prepare the school lunch. The
school outsource it to a private company as the most of the local
public schools do. They start preparation from 6:30am, with mostly
domestic and cost effective, non-genetically-modified ingredients, and
no packaged food. They make soup stocks from chicken, pork, sea kelp,
bonito flakes, dried sardine, dried shrimp, dried scallop, etc.
depending on the menu, every day. Vegetables are washed in 5 sinks, all
chopped by hands. The staple food is allocated so that kids have rice 3
times a week, bread 1 time, and pasta/noodle 1 time a week. They also
schedule the dishes so that it won't repeat frequently, and also come up
with festivity and local menu. さて、 自分の頃を思い出しながら、列に並んで給食を分けてもらい、席に着き、皆さんでいただきますをして試食です。子供用なのでお箸もちょっと短めで食べにく かったけれど、お味はよかったです。ゴーヤチャンプルーも苦くなく、玉葱の甘さが出ていて、子供でも食べられる感じに仕上がっていました。おまけのサー ターアンダーギーもあって、食後若干胸焼けがしたけれど、これで350円で作ってくれるなんて、本当に頭が下がります。