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Day 3 Bye-bye Kyoto, hello Inuyama

 Checked out the hotel, sent off by robot dinosaurs, we had breakfast at an old school coffee shop Inoda Coffee at the station. We got on Shinkansen bound to Tokyo, said good-bye to Mo at Nagoya where the boys and I got off, he continued his ride to Shinagawa, then to home.

We changed to Meitetsu to go to Inuyama city, about 30 min train ride north from Nagoya. We left our luggage at hotel, met up with Haruka & Lilo, then walked around old castle town Inuyama. It was so hot, we needed to cool down with shaved ice. We walked up to Inuyama castle, built in 1537, which is a national treasure with the original structure of the top floor. Inside the stairs were fixed and much easier to go up and down, the boys pretended they were ninja and went up the stairs (5 stories)  to the top floor. It has a great view, looking over Kiso river, though boys were too scared they couldn't enjoy it much, and retreated. 

Haruka drove us to a steak restaurant called Mega Indians Steak House. Great place for family. It has a big playground with a long slide (doesn't slide much though), zipline, ball pool, and 2nd floor with trampoline, bouldering, table tennis, and ninja course. Boys happily finished their rice dinner, and played for a good an hour. 

She drove us back to hotel, and we ended the day with soaking in a big hot bathtub. 

Photos here.


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