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Showing posts from December, 2024

Chocolate galette from the galette truck


Hot NOLA & avocado toast at The Blue Bottle

Love NOLA! 

All the kids in the house



しっとり鶏肉と野菜に棒棒鶏ソースのかかった前菜。 美味しいスープの真ん中には点心。 蒸し器の一段目は、甘鯛、カマンベールチーズ、バターのお魚の点心と、普通の小籠包。二段目にはラム、海老、腸詰がトッピングされた豚肉のシュウマイ。大根餅も旨み豊か。 ねぎそばも大きな丼で食べたい! 杏仁豆腐はトロトロ。 ああ満足。また来ましょう。



Brunch at The Blue Bottle, Daikanyama

  Vegetable plate & latte.  Waffle with cinnamon whipped cream for kids.

Checking out Atsuma's family shop at Forest Gate Daikannyama


Miniature Life by Tatsuya Tanaka at Toy Sapience, Shibuya

 We went to check out Star Wars exhibitions by a miniature artist as the toy shop had collectable toys display called Star Wars Join The Dark Side. 

Jiji’s BD Dinner at American Bar and Grill at Tokyo American Club

   Feeding him with steak to celebrate his 78th BD. Deviled eggs with bacon, farm’s house salad, rib eye steak, roasted mushrooms, mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables, and yuzu sorbet.   He has his appetite a little less than before but was able to finish a big slice of apple pie for dessert.

Cannolo & latte @ Pietre Preziose


Happy birthday jiji at Sengakuji temple

Naoya with a blue chocolate banana Masaki Masaki

パピコ 濃密仕立て レーズン&バター


The boys making GYOZA, pot stickers