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Table for One?

Do you go out lunch by yourself or with your "lunch mates"? Recently the newspapers have been reporting that young people are unhappy to have lunch alone but are not brave enough to ask others to join them for lunch. The phenomenon even has a name: "Lunch Mate Syndrome".
Doctors say it's because of the low social ability of some people, and their being too sensitive to develop their interpersonal skills. Some high school students are even dropping out school because of this syndrome. Some OLs ("Office Ladies") even make lunch appointments several days ahead, fearing that if they simply ask just before going to lunch, that they will be rejected.
Another new syndrome is the "Idle Conversation-phobia Syndrome". This is where a person is scared of taking lunch or some other break, because they can't think of idle conversation to enjoy with their friends.
Overall, both phenomenon are due to the lack of forming proper human relationships, not having enough experience in forming bonds during their pre-school days. That's one reason why keitai e-mail is booming here, especially among young people, because it means that they don't have to face each other but instead can communicate by e-mail.
Good grief! Are we creating a nation of wimps or what? Personally, I would love to spend long breaks just gossiping...


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