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Dinner at Hi Nichinichi in Higashi Azabu

 It used to be a fishmonger run by grandpa, now a modern and simple Japanese restaurant. Haven't been here more than an year. Looking at those beautiful lunch boxes, waiting being picked up to go on the corner of my eyes, I ordered roasted tea for my drink. No alcohol rules under the state of emergency, doesn't bother me at all. It might be some mistakes but here's a list of dishes I had.

Faba beans, chopped wasabi stems and salted plum mixed with rice, wasabi on top;
Sea bream sashimi;
Grilled bigfin reef squid, asparagus, along with marinated spinach;
Lightly grilled bonito sashimi;
Tuna and grated bitter daikon radish;
Grilled Manganji green & red peppers and Kamo egg plant in a dashi soup;
Grilled sea bream;
Fresh Japanese pepper, Omi beef, and Kujo leek pot;
Soba noodle and conger; and
Ice cream with white bean sweet paste, sprinkles of salt and sweet potato Shochu spirits.

Off course the fish dishes are marvelous, and they were salted just right. Didn't make me thirsty at all. And Japanese pepper hot pot I wanted to try while it was still in season. Never imagined I would become addicted to its sparkling biting spiciness on my tongue. And the last surprise was the dessert. It was an ice cream, a bit of salt and sweet potato distilled spirit, shochu over it to taste. The aroma of shochu was outstanding. Very good idea for grown up dessert. Casual and simple place, my new favorite. Should try lunch boxes next time. Thank you very much for the feast!




Photos here.


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