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Showing posts from March, 2007


PRACTICE Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . She started practicing roll over a couple of days ago, and now she can round on her head.


青山墓地 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Went to Aoyama cemetery for walk. It was sunny and really warm. Saw some groups of people for preparing HANAMI (cherry blossom watch party), mostly freshmen, as it's commonly said that's their first job joining the company. I used to think what a crappy job it is for them, but now I think it's a good excuse to send them out, as most of them are not fully capable of doing their jobs yet (usually the most of the Japanese freshmen start OJT after joining the company.). Or, it's part of the training. Well, I missed the chance, as I've never worked in a traditional Japanese company....


Mmm... Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Found these baby shirts at Roppongi Hills. Was debating to myself if I buy it or tempting....


散歩 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . It was really warm today, 23C, and took a walk up to Roppongi Hills. Saw cherry blossom in full bloom while walking. Spring is certainly here.


青山墓地 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Went to check out cherry blossom at Aoyama cemetery. Not quite in the full bloom yet, but, if the weather will keep being this warm, it should be by the end of this week.


TODAY'S LUNCH Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda .

Meeting after the Touch Care Class

P1000588.JPG Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . The member gathered at Yuuka's residence for discussion after the class how their mothers performed the massage on them, while their mothers were talking over coffee and sweets. Here's another photo from the meeting.

Touch Care Class at Aiiku Hospital

P1000586.JPG Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Went to Touch Care Class at Aiiku Hospital this afternoon. Here's the member of babies waiting for the demonstration of the Touch Care massage done by their own mothers.


とりあえず舐める Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda .


ブランケット Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . She's into pulling stuff these days, and is busy pulling and biting this blanket today.


あきちゃんと Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Aki came over for lunch, showed up with branch of plum flower and a bottle of vino rosso for celebration of Hinamatsuri, the girls festival. Chikage got Osh Kosh baby carrier from her, which matches to her overall.


お友達 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Sana and Yuuka came over with their mothers to have lunch at Kurodas. Babies were touching (or smacking...?) each other, looks like checking the other small human beings.


CARD FROM MARI-SAN Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda . Aunt Mari sent a card to Chikage for her first HINAMATSURI. The card plays Hinamatsuri song AND the paper lantern illuminate.