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Showing posts from September, 2020

豆花 @東京豆花工房 Douhua!

A quick break after renewing my driver's license in Kanda. Yum!

Cooking class at preschool


Break at Drogheria Sancricca

Break after a brief park time. Beautiful weather, good iced tea.  Masaki having a break, mama having an iced tea Naoya hiding

Lunch at Luigi with husband

Lunch after checking out stoves. It's the very first visit after the lockdown... So good!  Appetizer at Luigi Grilled veggies Fried veggies and pike conger Porcini risotto Pizza! Dessert



Twins kind of playing chess


Today's lunch from Pointage


Old pictures from KidZania trip with Emi & Maiya, and Ton!


新米! New rice!

マサから美味しい干物が届いたので、新米をたいて美味しくいただきました。ありがとう! Masa sent us delicious dried fish, and I cooked new rice to go with. Yum! Thank you! Dried mackerel and horse mackerel

Maruyama Zoo Ramen!


Flowers of this month

  Spray mum, Texas bluebell, rose hip, gentian, and green trick  スプレーマム(フェリー)、トルコキキョウ(セレブ・ピンク)、バラの実、竜胆(ハイジ)、手毬草

Banana cardamom cupcakes with poppy seed on top

If life gives you 3 ripe bananas and 2 children crying for cupcakes, you make banana cupcakes. Banana cardamom cupcakes with poppy seed on top.  

Brunch at Drogheria Sancricca with twins

Buon giorno! Brunch at Drogheria Sancricca with twins. Maritozzo dolce, whipped & custard cream with hazel nut cream on brioche bread, just arrived as we were ordering. I got 2 and off course twins loved them! I had my cappuccino and tuna salad sandwich. Pickles came with the sandwich was awesome! Grazie! Masaki Maritozzo dolce, whipped & custard cream with hazel nut cream on brioche bread Naoya Cappuccino Tuna salad sandwich Drogheria Sancricca

Pork shabu shabu

“ 佐渡の島黒豚 ” (希少な放牧純粋六白パークシャー種) Rare pork from Sado island, Niigata Pref. Yum!  

At the usual NtS Coffee

Cup cake Masaki Smoothie Naoya  

Quiet breakfast at Dean & DeLuca

The place was empty...!  Busy day ahead... Give me a strength, Almighty...

Chestnuts pie from The Pie Hole


Fried salmon with egg salad


マイハート My Heart

"My Heart". Very sweet and unique grape you don't see often. 「マイハート」。とても甘くて滅多にお目にかかれない葡萄。  

Amber ice cream and iced tea along with a sample chocolate at Summerbird

  I just couldn't walk pass it. Amber ice cream and iced tea along with a sample chocolate at Summerbird. It was nice sitting in the outside as the weather started cooling off. Bye bye summer.

Lunch at Bou You Rou, Aoyama ランチ@望洋楼

Wanting to get away from the crowd, I opened the door of this beautiful restaurant. Despite the busy lunch hour, they offered me a big private room for a single lunch. It made me feel like having a short trip out of Tokyo. I think I need it once in a while. Today's lunch: yellowback seabream and striped bonito sashimi, sea eel and maitake mushroom tempra, farmer's salad, ICHIHOMARE rice, and soba with grated daikon radish Echizen style. 人混みから離れたくて、ふと見かけたこちらの素敵なお店へ。忙しいお昼の時間にもかかわらず、たまたま空いていた個室で贅沢に一人ランチ。ちょっとした旅行気分。こういうのも必要だな。 本日の御膳「秋の日差し」メッキ鯛とスジガツオのお造り、穴子と九頭竜舞茸の天ぷら、福井 農園サラダ、いちほまれ、越前おろし蕎麦 Entrance A little garden 本日の御膳「秋の日差し」メッキ鯛とスジガツオのお造り、穴子と九頭竜舞茸の天ぷら、福井 農園サラダ、いちほまれ、越前おろし蕎麦  Today's lunch: yellowback seabream and striped bonito sashimi, sea eel and maitake mushroom tempra, farmer's salad, ICHIHOMARE rice, and soba with grated daikon radish Echizen style

Hair cut for hair donation

Off course first time after the lockdown. Hope they can use some of my hair... ヘアドネーションのために髪を切りに行きました。少しでも使えると良いな。 And the blog by my hair dresser:

Somebody is anticipating winter



北海道旭川のぎんねこさんの新子焼き。柔らかい!  Shinkoyaki from Gin Neko in Asahikawa, Hokkaidoi.

Solo breakfast while looking at this handsome furtively at Bricolage bread & co.

  Farmers salad

Curry from the NtS Coffee!

Spicy and yummy 麻布十番薬膳カレー新海 スリランカ風薬膳カレー Twins having cupcakes