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Showing posts from January, 2014

20140123 Dinner with ladies

20140123 Dinner with ladies , a set on Flickr. Girls night out dinner at a French restaurant called J. Thank you very much, Chie for arranging dinner!

Breakfast at City Bakery

 Girl with french toast, boy with chocolate chip cookie for breakfast.  Pretzel croissant and coffee. And breakfast combo: salad, bacon, egg, and minestrone. Great deal!


The boy finished a bowl of mussel all by himself!

Strawberry cake for breakfast

Strawberry cake for breakfast Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Thanks, Uncle Roger!

Curry dinner

Curry dinner Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Play date and dinner at G&Y's.

Strawberry cake from Uncle Roger

Strawberry cake from Uncle Roger Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Nice gift from Uncle Roger!

20140117 Mochi pounding

20140117 Mochi pounding , a set on Flickr. Helped mochi pounding at Nishimachi in Kimono. Ren showed up and did his part for a bit, and Ton came over after her school, meeting up with her friends there. It was a long day and we made lots of mochi!

20140111 Trip to Izumo by Sun Rise Izumo

20140111 Trip to Izumo by Sun Rise Izumo , a set on Flickr. Trip to Izumo and Sakai Minato started with sleeper train. Kids were too excited to go to sleep on the train. We stayed at hot spring called Tamatsukuri Onsen for one night, then flew back home the following day. It was cold and snowy though we had fun!