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Showing posts from February, 2009


アイスクリーム Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Since her dad ate the French fries while she was taking a break, she started crying. Ice cream is the only thing which could calm her down…


れば刺 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She ate a whole plate of raw liver at age 2…!!


ランチ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She said she wanted french-fries for lunch, we went to a French restaurant in Juban.


見て! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Her favorite outfit from Uncle Chris.


コーヒーブレイク Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Coffee break at Takumino sato. Totally random: the owner gave us free cakes, and played harmonica twice, wife of the owner used to be a teacher at nursery school Chie’s brother went to.


アイスクリーム Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Dessert!


朝ご飯 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Tonchan was so happy she’s got her own chair/table set up for breakfast and lots of NORI (seaweed)!


夕食 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Baba in Yukata, ready for the dinner.


水天宮 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Went to Ningyocho in the afternoon. Tonchan found Suitengu and wanted to stop by to pray. Amazing she remembered it. So, I told her to tell Baba how to prepare for the prayer (wash hands, etc.) and ring the bell and all that. We bought lots of food there and walked to Nihombashi so that Tonchan can fall asleep, and met up with papa there before going home.


お風呂 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda … like filling the bath tub.


くまさんをおんぶ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She’s helping me with carrying the bear on her back…