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Showing posts from April, 2020

Watercress from Kitamura Wasabi, Hyogo prefecture

Watercress from Kitamura Wasabi in Hyogo prefecture. Beautiful watercress that makes you wonder what you’ve been seeing at supermarket. We cooked in sukiyaki. Yum! 兵庫県の北村わさびさんのクレソンが届いたので、すき焼きにしてみました。スーパーで見かけるクレソンはなんだろうと思ってしまうぐらい元気で美しいクレソンです! Sukiyaki!

五十番食品の餃子 Pot stickers from Gojuban Food, Fukuoka prefecture

Black pork gyoza pot stickers from Gojuban Food in Fukuoka prefecture. Small enough for my kids to eat easily, it was like they were drinking them! 福岡県の五十番食品の黒豚餃子。小さめサイズで子供達にも食べ易くあっという間に無くなってしまいました! Twins love gyoza! Naoya 五十番食品の餃子 Pot stickers from Gojuban Food, Fukuoka prefecture

Cabbage and pork cooked by Ton

Chikage cooked cabbage and ham from The Bacon .

沖縄そば 峰 Okinawa style noodle from Mine, Okinawa

Okinawa style noodle from Okinawa soba Mine . The pork is superb, on top of delicious soup and noodle! Highly recommended! 沖縄そば 峰をお取り寄せ。麺もスープも美味しいのだけれど、ソーキがまた素晴らしい!ソーキは3時間半、ラフテーは6時間ぐらいかけて仕込むそう。チャンスがあればぜひお試しあれ!

鶏肉飯 Chicken rice Taiwanese style

Boys practicing yoga on line

Mo and Naoya 

three twins ice cream dad's cardamon

Very sad three twins ice cream is closed...

Twins having muffin break

Masaki with blueberry muffin Naoya with banana muffin

Day 2 of the food package from Rikugou

Ton slicing parrot fish 石鯛の鯛茶漬け Parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce on rice 石鯛の鯛茶漬け Parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce in dashi soup 牛フィレロースト Roasted beef filet 石鯛のお頭 塩麹漬け Parrot fish head grill TAI CHADUKE, parrot fish marinated in sesame sauce on rice with dashi soup, roasted beef of wagyu filet which came out pretty good, and parrot fish head grill! It was a serious job to cook them nicely not to waste them all which are great to begin with! Feast! Thankful to everyone involved! 昨日に引き続き大分県の六郷さんから送って頂いた食材を料理しました。石鯛の鯛茶漬け、素晴らしい出来映えの牛フィレのローストビーフ、石鯛の尾頭グリル。食材が良いので料理も真剣です。ご馳走様です!今日も皆さんに感謝!

Twins playing on comforter

Masaki says they are playing on a boat

Cheese from Fattoria Bio Hokkaido

Food from Ooita from Rikugou 大分国東半島応援セット by六郷

Gorgeous food package delivered from Rikugou in Ohita pref. Fresh soba, parrot fish ISHIDAI, marinated yellowtail and salmon, dried shiitake mushrooms, white and usual strawberries, and beef. Kids love the soba, parrot fish is awesome in terms of size and taste! Mushrooms are huge, too! Very high quality food altogether priced ¥20,000. Those regional primary businesses needs your help! 素晴らしい食材の詰め合わせが大分県の六郷さんから届きました。手打ち蕎麦、大きな石鯛、白い苺、鰤とサーモンの塩麹漬け、素晴らしい干し椎茸、そして牛ヒレ!これで2万円だそうです。地方の第一産業も応援してね。感謝! Phots here .

Papa working from home and pizza lunch take away from Luigi

Papa working from home Mo with his ruby ginger ale Decaf latte at First Fruits Naoya eating pizza Masaki eating pizza Grilled veggies from Luigi

Lamb delivery from 北海道羊肉店 produced by 炭火兜ひつじ

Lamb lamb lamb! A box full of lamb and meat stuffed dim sum from Hokkaido. It came with extra asparagus, and a recipe book, too! Thank you very much! 北海道羊肉店 produced by 炭火兜ひつじさんのジンギスカンステーキセット、ラム&マトン肩ロース、ひつじ点心四種類をお取り寄せ。おまけのアスパラガスにレシピ本!暫くラムには困らなそう。ありがとうございました! Photos here .

Sports good delivery by mammy friend

“Uber sports goods” said my mommy friend when she came to drop off badminton and yoga mat. Elder kids started playing badminton on the street, twins started playing with the yoga mat. Thank you very much Juna chan! Ton playing badminton Mo playing badminton Masaki playing with yoga mat Naoya playing with yoga mat

Ramen lunch from Shian, Tsukuba

Today’s lunch is organic ramen from Shian in Tsukuba. Unlike the usual greasy ramen, it came with kombu sea kelp soup with mushroom, broccoli, cabbage, celery, ginger, and garlic. Guilt free! Thank you for the meal!  今日のお昼は つくばみらい市の志庵さん のオーガニックラーメン。身体に良いラーメン!ご馳走様でした。 Salt ramen from Shian Mo having sauce mixd ramen Soy sauce ramen

Kawara Soba lunch

Today’s lunch is KAWARA SOBA from Buchi in Shirokane Takanawa. Crispy green tea soba noodle with thin sliced omelet, beef, lemon, chili, scallions for your choice, dipping in sauce, then into your mouth. Yummy! 今日のお昼は昨日買っておいた白金高輪ぶちさんの瓦そば。所々カリッと焼けた茶そばに錦糸卵と牛肉、お好みでレモン、もみじおろし、ネギ、海苔を混ぜた汁につけて食す!下関のソウルフードらしいのですが、これはハマるほど美味しい!子供も大喜び、お代わり3回しました。ご馳走様でした。今日も感謝。 Naoya eating Kawara soba

Twins playing with a laundry basket

A video here .

Today’s achievement!

Mint that was there since 2 years ago, thyme, basil, and coriander. Mo helped a lot. 

Lamb bento lunch

Today’s lunch is lamb bento from BUCHI in Shirokane Takanawa. Yum!  今日のお昼は 白金高輪のぶちさん のラム重弁当。ラム好きの子供達がそぼろの美味しさにびっくり。美味しく頂きました。ありがとうございました😊

Taco left over breakfast Kenzai style

BK Seedless and Shine Muscat juice from Dream Farmers Japan

Rescue juice from Dream Farmers Japan in Ooita.

Blue sky from hammock

Boys eating gyoza, pot stickers

Masaki built this car with legos

Girl cooking chicken leg

Chicken leg with cabbage on the side!