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Showing posts from July, 2007


8ヶ月 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Baby friends got together again. They all reached 8 months, busy crawling, licking, grabbing, and screaming for moms.


ケント Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Kent trying Jolly Jumper. He's a bit scared...


P1000991.JPG Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She can stand by holding onto something now. She's busy checking her new diapers.


DINNER TIME! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


ISETAN Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda We went to check two international schools for Tonchan in the morning. After lunch, and her play with food time, we went to Isetan in Shinjuku by bus to check out Okinawa fair . Borrowed their stroller and cruised on the floor to purchase THE peanut tofu , and my regular items of dragon fruit juice and Okinawa noodle.

Babies get together

Babies get together Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Had lunch with Kent, Kanon, and Sana's moms at Roppongi Hills today. After lunch, we were chatting at balcony, and two other moms we've know of accidentally walked by and the group got bigger.


カニ! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Had king crab we got from a friend of mine for dinner with Masa. She's happy that she could have feast, and Ren scraping crab meat with single-minded devotion. Food that improve concentration --- crab. Masa is great. Could be funnier than comedians. "Where is oil?" "It's in a cabinet left side of frig." She opened right cabinet, then frig, then another frig in the next room, then left cabinet.... "So, I should stick dishes in that thing.... cash dispenser?" Uh, I think that's dishwasher.


もうすぐ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She can pull up her hip and kick forward. Any day now...

T-shirt with assertion

白人が「外人」と書いてあるTシャツを着て歩いていた。そんなの書いてなくたってわかるよ‥‥ I saw a Caucasian male, probably one of Temple University's students, waring a T-shirt says "GAIJIN (foreigner)" on it. Thanks for stating the obvious....


離乳食に使ってみたら、娘は三口目でおえーと言った。 トマトのときは酸っぱそうな顔をして、身震いしたっけ。 難しい‥‥


ついに… Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She can kick to push herself forward now, and enjoyed taking out books today.


散歩 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

Findings during a walk

Recent findings during a walk with Tonchan: A red bicycle says ".com" on the side. Lilly in full bloom with umbrella, assuming keeping it from rained on, given there's no wind. Weather says it'll be a stormy weather due to a huge typhoon coming. A Japanese guy with T-shirt with a very embarrassing phrase. Oh my. It's too embarrassing to put on my blog, but you would'nt understand how bad it is until you read it, so here it is: "off course I LOVE YOU, my dxxk is hard, isn't it?" Yes, a T-shirt says this. He was walking with this right in your face. My jaw was hanging. I should've stopped the guy and asked if he knew what it means.


MASA&TON Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda 6/7 months check up today. She's doing great: 8,235g and 66.3cm. Also had DPT vaccination. She didn't cry at all, until a nurse gave her a plaster with bunny face print on... After feeding her at hospital, met up with Masa for late lunch. She was happy with her new purchases of fishing tools.


MASA Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She's into rainbow trout fishing these days. Showed up with burnt arms and hands from the activity. These are some of today's purchase of her fishing lures. She says glittering lures draw pretty good. I'm sure these do to her, too.


BLACK BEEN CHILI Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


夏は冷やし Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda 冷やしシャンプー?!冷やし中華、冷やし担々麺、冷やしラーメンといろいろ夏には出てくるけれど、これは無茶だなあ。シャンプーの後に氷で冷やすのかな。誰か試してほしい。 これは日本の人にしかわからないだろうなあ。