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Showing posts from July, 2010

Sushi consideration

Went to Midori zushi with William who's visiting Japan from Hawaii for lunch. Crowded as usual, but we could get to the counter in about 20 min. In front of us in line were two Italian guys, also took counter seats. They were somehow in my eye sights, so I could see them exam the English menu, and order something directly to the sushi chef behind the counter. We're busy eating our sushi, talking about who's doing what, and the next thing I saw was those guys got California Rolls and some other rolls type of, no Edo mae zushi. I thought, hey, don't waste it. Probably they came all the way to Tokyo and now they're having non-Japanese (I would call) sushi that probably they can get in Europe. Try what I'm having. Or look around and see what the other Japanese are having. Maybe those rolls type is what they recognize Sushi is. Maybe that's what Italian Wiki says Sushi. I read somewhere that the sushi that I recognize, which is Edomae zushi, is a minor sushi in ...

For age above 3

For age above 3 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Electric guiter for age above 3 at Conran shop in Maru bild.


ブッブー Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Driving the car at the usual spot of Roppongi Hills.

uncle brad's curry

uncle brad's curry Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Uncle Brad cooked curry, despite he almost burned the kitchen (fire alarm went off... had to call the security company, the maintenance company guy also showed up to turn off the alarm.... the drama...), it's very tasty and the both kids like it!


おいしいね Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Uncle Brad's curry!


ケーキ作りのはずが… Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda She likes the cake dough...


まさと Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Mo giving massage to Masa on the floor.


水遊び Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Playing water is the best in this heat.


いも堀 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Getting ready for digging the potatos.


おもちゃ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Play area at Toyota dealer while the grown up boys are busy talking about the car, Mo's busy playing with the small cars...


ブランコ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Swing at the Toyota dealer.


自分で作りました Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Sprinkled by myself!


ランチ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Lunch at Lala garden in Tsukuba with Jiji and Baba.


デザート Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


風呂上がり Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

uncle brad

uncle brad Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


赤ちゃん休憩室 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

New mobile

P2010_0711_131639.JPG Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Dropped the mobile into the pool, got a new Conrann design LG mobile phone. Testing the camera with Ton posing.


tgif Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda


アイスクリーム Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Treat after vaccination against pneumococcus.


七夕 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda You are our princess. Ton's wish for Tanabata (July 7th)


かき氷 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Shaved ice at Shirokane Takanawa festival.


お疲れ様 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Too tired from the fever which lasted more than a week, and couldn't help sleeping on the floor.


新しい浴衣 Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Bought this YUKATA at Azabu Juban. Ready for the summer festival!


クリーニング店へ Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Ready to go to the cleaner.


ぷはー Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda He found a canned beer and pretending he was drinking it.


ピザディナー Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Mo still sick and left school early with fever, went to see Drs in the afternoon. Too tired to cook so we ordered pizza for dinner.