BD gifts from husband Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda 上は大正浪漫硝子: 灰骨という特殊な原料が入った硝子を使い、急激な温度差を与えることにより発色する乳色オパール。乳白オパールのあぶり出し技法は、明治・大正時代に盛んに使われた成形技法の1つで、最近では骨董屋さんで見られる「かき氷コップ」がその代表。 Top is Japanese Old style glass: Color of white opal of the departure color according to giving rapid temperatures fluctuate use the entered glass by a special raw material of bone ash. The technique of making appear by heat of a milk white opal is one of the molding techniques actively used for the Meji ra and Taisho period. It is the glass that makes an old Japan pattern come beautifully to the surface, and makes a sophisticated Japanese culture of Taisho Period and civilization and enlightenment felt. 下は天平窯の岡晋吾。Bottom is a dish made by Shingo Oka from Tempyo Gama.