Hot dog Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Festivity was going on at Roppongi Hills. She bought this hot dog from one of the food venders, and finished.
popcorn Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Finally they got caramel popcorn in the bucket. And they ate it the entire time on the train back home, and finished....!
デザート Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Purple sweet potato and black sugar ice cream for my husband, and green tea soft ice cream for myself after lunch.
はふうのビーフカツサンド Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda 美しい赤身!夢に見てしまいそうなぐらい美味しゅうございました。 Can't it be suck! Super delicious deep fried beef steak sandwich from Hafuu , Kyoto.
アップルパイ、やってしまった! Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda After lunch and ice cream with Kei chan, we hit White Smoke and had a piece of apple pie each.... Too much calories in take for a day....
ひな祭り Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda Mo in paper kimono for Doll Festival with his girl friend who claims he is her boy friend which upsets her father a little.