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Showing posts from May, 2019

BF at Dean & Deluca


Masaki with Ton's watch

Naoya with Mo's gym cap, suitcase, and mama's flipflop

Pixar characters at Roppongi Hills

 Hello Woody! Hello Sally! But you guys are scary...!

Soba lunch with Mo @Anju


A day with twins

 Masaki going out with a yellow suitcase  Naoya  Masaki  Masaki coming down a slide  Looking for an incy wincy spider

Twins helping baba with peeling green pees

A video here .

Soba lunch with Masa

 穴子天ぷらせいろ蕎麦 Conger eel tempra soba


 Naoya Masaki

Today's twins

 Nap time twins Masaki trying on Ton's shoes

Shaved ice date with Hama chan

 抹茶ほうれん草あずきミルクかき氷 Spinach, green tea, and sweet beans shaved ice 浜ちゃん!

Lunch with Mo at food court after gym

 Tuna sushi for Mo Daifuku for Mo's dessert



Naoya's appointment at Red Cross hospital

 Naoya Naoya playing at Red Cross Hospital waiting area

Twins using a dryer

Masaki drying Naoya's hair A video of Masaki drying his hair here .

Gym with Mo

 Mo on the training... Mo punching

Mamma mia festival

 Mo having chips  花椒汁なし担々麺 by 麺劇場  Naoya and popcorns Masaki and popcorns

Flowers for Mother's Day

Masaki playing at Red Cross Hospital waiting area

Park with twins in Tamachi

 Naoya reaching for steering wheel  Masaki's turn  Naoya and a train  Hello Masaki  Dr. Yellow! Dr. Yellow!

Happy birthday Mo!

A short video here .

Ton making decoration for Mo's birthday cake

Park in Hiroo with twins and Ton

Ton and Naoya A video of twins on swing.