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Showing posts from July, 2019

Separately born twins Mo & Koji

Sandwich for lunch

Break on the pool side

 Masaki  French fries break  JC busy with a phone Usual trains

Destination Yurakucho for passport

 Taking a subway  Walking through dry mist

Twins made chef's hat at preschool

 Naoya with chef's hat  Twins found marshmallows  Masaki Naoya

The usual at Saizeriya

Break at Makuhari Parking Area on the way to jiji & baba's

 Naoya eating soba  Mo  Masaki Ton

Lunch @三合庵

 卵焼き  蕎麦がき とろろ蕎麦

Breakfast with Mo and Masa after dropping off babiew

 Mo's healthy salad plate  Masa Mo's actual breakfast plate

Ton and Mo ready for a movie

Masaki has a technique of holding a cookie on his forehead

Ramen lunch with Mo

Mo and a ramen

Twins walking through the park

 Watching the pond  Checking fish in a pond  Walking the bridge Walking at the park

Chinese lunch in Shibuya

Family sushi dinner

Breakfast at Michelangelo, Hiroo

Goodies from Hokkaido

Flowers from my husband

向日葵(サンリッチ)、木苺の葉、トルコ桔梗、ルリ玉アザミ、リシマキア  Sunflower, raspberry leaves, Texas Bluebell, Echinops ritro, Lysimachia nummularia

東京豆漿生活 Tokyo Dou Jiang Life

 焼餅に酥餅も!  鹹豆漿と酥餅 花生湯(ピーナッツスープ)

Naoya after surgery

Naoya playing piano

Masaki built this tall car with lego

A video of Masaki pushing the car he built .

Matthew, Elliott & Vivienne's Birthday Party

 Water melon  Cupcake Twins Naoya  Masaki Cupcakes again! Videos of  Masaki playing a puzzle game ,  Naoya playing a puzzle game , and  twins on swings .