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Showing posts from July, 2021



Happy pancake breakfast

It became special when you have whipped cream!  Masaki Naoya

Melon parfait at Ibaraki sense

As the season of melon ending, came to enjoy this beautiful dessert. See you next year!  

Malaysian lunch at Chilibali, Gotanda Bak kut teh 肉骨茶 Nasi Lemak, Steamed Coconut Milk Rice ナシレマ Chicken rice & curry with grilled & fried chicken

Mo cooking from his home economics text book

  Fried vegetable & ham

Plastic model car Mo built for homework


Venti green tea frappuccino with chocolate chip


Sun set sky


Lunch with Mo

  Dandan noodle & soup dumplings 汁なし坦々麺&小籠包

Mo cooked as part of his homework assingment

  Mo taking picture of fried vegetable & ham he cooked as his homework Done!

Peach & mozzarella cheese


Crab on crab rice


This month's flowers

  竜胆(尾瀬の夢)、姫向日葵(菊芋もどき)、リシマキア  Gentian, rain lily, and lysimachia

Twins going to summer school


Taking a subway back home with a new Hot Wheels

Masaki Naoya

Lunch with twins after pool

  Naoya Masaki Chicken chimichanga

Summer break begun

Kids pool Naoya Masaki Naoya demonstrating how he dips his face in water  

Clouds in the sky

 Good morning, it's going to be a hot day again. 

Naoya built a space ship


Smoothie @Northcote Coffee


Moon and the first star before sunset

桃色にたなびく雲の右手に一番星。お月様も一層光を増す日没前。 The first star of the evening on the right side of the pink cloud. The moon becomes brighter as the sun goes down.  

Lunch at Dogal

Found a Turkish bar & cafe called Dogal in Ebara, and had to go to have pistachio baklava! I had Turkish tea, Pistachio & walnut baklava, Spicy sausage sandwich. Went to the shop 2 doors down from the cafe, and bought some stuff, and baklava! Will come back! ピスタチオバクラバが食べたくて、荏原のドガルへ。トルコティー、ピスタチオ&クルミバクラバ、スパイシーソーセージサンドイッチをオーダー。帰りに2軒お隣のお店でクルミのバクラバといくつか商品を購入。また来ます!   Spicy sausage sandwich Walnuts baklava Pistachio baklava Turkish teas Sumak Grilled eggplants Walnut baklava!