Got a big bag of chestnuts and made candied chestnuts. Gathered all the empty jars in the house to store them. Thank you! 栗を沢山頂いたので渋皮煮に。家中の空き瓶を集めて保存。Yokoさん、ありがとう!
思いつきで台湾麺線さんへ。今月は月曜日に朝ご飯を食べられるので、子供達を留守番させて1人で。ダンピンセット、量も丁度良く、お腹も温まって、幸せ。ご馳走様でした! #台湾麺線 Good morning Tokyo Tower 蛋餅セット! Egg pancake combo Taiwan Mensen breakfast menu 鶏肉飯&鶏排 Chicken rice & fried chicken
味噌田楽 Eggplant with miso くるみとシャインマスカットの白和え Walnuts and Shine Muscat with white sauce マグロのカマ Grilled tuna part above the gill 海鮮丼 Seafood bowl 麻生十番のりゅうの介さんのお持ち帰り。緊急事態宣言中の特別メニュー。ご馳走様でした!
White corns from Hokkaido. So sweet like sugar, made corn salsa with these! 北村さんちのプレミアムホワイトという北海道産のとうもろこし。とっても甘くて、生のままコーンサルサに。 北海道産地直送センターで購入。
Portable shrine car on display at Hikawa Shrine Praying for INARI shrine The OHAYASHI music car on display Waffles! Went to Hikawa Shrine to pay respect as it was a festival day to celebrate harvest in Autumn. Like everything else, the usual festival of carrying the portable shrine and pulling the drums were all cancelled, though those were on display at the shrine. Ended our version of festival with having waffle break at usual Starbucks.