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Boys & Toys

The sale of toys for age OVER 15 is growing. A toy maker will start promotion of old fashioned robots for professional single males who have the discretionary income to spend on these products. The robots are from TV cartoons such as Gundam, and are made of plastic, but also titanium or gold-trimmed metal -- so that they look different to the toys kids UNDER 7 years of age buy. Although the robots are quite intricate, they are not so expensive. One unit sells for about JPY5,800. For those 25-year old guys not wanting to be seen buying kids toys, there is also a website you can order from.
I think it's interesting that although these guys (primarily) want to have the latest electronic toys such as Palm Pilots, they also somehow need to balance the new stuff with something "retro" like these robots. I guess that the amount of money men spend for their toys increases in proportion to the their age...


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