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Crisis Management

The nuclear accident in Ibaraki Pref. is one of the most shocking new items in a past few years. To me, it is not only just news: my parents and grand parents live in south Ibaraki. Although they're about 30 km away from where the accident happened, you cannot tell how much radiation affects people.

I can understand that we need nuclear power to produce electricity in Japan because we do not have enough natural energy resources. But the problem is, Japan does not have sufficient crisis management systems. People have a natural tendency to believe that the ills of the world won't affect them. But honestly speaking, how can you tell? Especially, human error caused the accident this time. Mistakes can have far-reaching consequences: computers gave us Y2K, butterflies cause hurricanes, and Kanemaru gave us Obuchi!

Are you prepared for unpredictable events?


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