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I've been working late these days, and had dinner with the other people in the office every night. It's said that to eat together ties the connection of the group.
Talking about eating, it reminds me of the Greek myth about Virgo. Persephone (in Latin Proserpina), a daughter of the Goddess of the Harvest, Demeter, was abducted by the God of the Underworld, Hades (Pluto to the Romans). This shocked Demeter, and she locked herself up in a cave. Once Demeter went underground, all the green plants of the earth shriveled up. The other Gods begged Hades to release Persephone so as to recover the harvest.
Hades was a tricky type, and in releasing Persephone, he offered her 4 pieces of pomegranate/Zakuro, and said "Have these to eat before you go." Being a novice to Godly ways, she ate the pomegranate, but didn't know that when you eat something harvested in the underworld, you are forever locked into the place.
In the end Demeter successfully begged Hades to release her daughter, but his condition was that while she could live above ground 8 months of the year, the other 4 months it's back to Hades. So, Winter is caused by a grieving Demeter sequestering herself while waiting for her daughter to return.
Now, I know that the mikan I'm eating with my co-workers is not grown in-house, but does eating with others mean I'm going to be locked into LINC forever???


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