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It's getting warmer and warmer, and this makes me feel like going out for a picnic. But, some poor souls can't go out even if they want to, due to Kafunsho allegy (hay fever). The reason is because the Japanese cedar tree pollen (JCP) will increase to 2900-3300 grains/cm2 -- which is about about 1.5 times the average.
Kafunsho/Pollinosis because of Japanese cedar pollen is said to be one of the three worst causes of pollinosis in the world, resulting in a plague of severe symptoms and hospital outpatients. In Japan there are about 50 manifestations of pollinosis.
There are a number of therapies: self control, drug therapy, allergen-specific immunotherapy, and operations. The standard therapy now is self control combined with drugs. "Self control"
means to prevent yourself coming into contact to pollen (and other allergens) by staying indoors, wearing a mask and goggles, and maintaining a careful life style...
Hmmm, sounds worse than the sickness!


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