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Golden Week

The golden week is starting (probably already started for some of you) and those who joined us recently can take a long break. Those of you who've been working for LINC Media for a while, I'm sure the break will be more than welcome.
It's a well known fact that some freshmen joining in spring to a company, tend to have negative thoughts about their job -- because they have plenty of time to think. Apparently this is
an instinctive thing, where the brain tries to protect you from danger, by simulating the worst scenario you could have in your life so that your brain can prepare. It's like gaining immunity to a disease.
Of course there are some people who have positive thoughts and seek to do what they really want to do. I hope you can re-charge your energy and enthusiasm for work, during the
holidays, and come back to LINC Media with even more energy and spirit than before..
What I'm going to do over Golden Week? Easy! Sleep, eat, relax, feel like a human being again, and just generally calm down after the craziness of the funding....


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