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Have you noticed only female employee in banks and the other large corporations wear a common uniform? Since the for Equal Employment Opportunity Law was passed, and because of the slow economy, more companies are letting female employees decide on their own clothes. It can save a company about JPY200m per year. On the other hand, those women who have to buy new work clothes spend JPY20k to JPY50k per month. This money goes to the Department stores and the apparel industry in general and is probably helping the economy. But I do feel sorry for those women who have to spend a big portion of their salary to buy new clothes.
It use to be a very typical office scene that men wore a suit and women a uniform. I think it would be much easier if I had a uniform so that I didn't have to think what I should wear every morning. Of course, in a way I do have a uniform: T-shirt and jeans. I'm seeing a lot more people dressed in such a uniform at LINC Media recently!


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