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I'm sure everyone's shocked at the sight of the World Trade Center towers crumbling and collapsing in real time. It wasn't a movie, SF nor CG. Who could've thought they would fly an airplane into those buildings? I was there just 2 weeks ago, wondering why the security check at the airports was much looser than it used to be. As I have Japanese passport, and also obviously am Japanese-looking, usually my security check is easier than for passengers from other countries, but I somehow felt it was much looser than it should be.
The search for the missing is still going on, and I believe some of may have friends or family in that area. I do have some relatives and friends living in Manhattan, and fortunately we found them all safe after sending them e-mail. The phone system was overloaded most of Tuesday, and the only communication tool that worked was e-mail. If I didn't have this, I would've really panicked....
Technology is great but somehow it scares me how it can give you so much detailed information. You can check a 3D diagram at of how the plane crashed into the towers. As I watch this surreal scene and in so much detail, it makes me feel numb.
We have no idea what's going to follow at this stage, and I hope things will get better very soon.


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