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My husband and I went to Asakusa the other day, to check out Kimono for men. It was very interesting for me because usually I'm looking at women's kimono, not men's. And even when I do, what most department stores carry is formal, for weddings and other celebratory use, so there isn't much variety.
We checked several stores in the back streets of Asakusa. Of course, thinking about it, clearly people used to wear kimono on a daily basis so it is natural to imagine that there are lots of styles, materials, colors, etc. Nevertheless, to actually go see the selections available is quite eye-opening and educational. If you're at all interested in Japanese traditional clothes, you'll definitely get a kick out of going to Asakusa.
What we saw were kimonos made out of almost every conceivable fabric, including: silk, wool, synthetics. There were used ones and new ones, and interestingly, some which although men's kimono were imprinted with women's fabric patterns -- for cross-dressers! -- as well as yellow fabric for comedians and Kabuki actors.
It was a quite fun to talk to the owners, too. They tell you to pick what ever you want to wear, without excessive formality, and yet can expertly guide you about matching colors, patterns, and other design rules -- without making you feel like you're being pressured.
So, we spent about JPY50k at the store, and went home with our minds made up to go back there again. Why don't you try shopping for something traditional in Asakusa? It's really fun!


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