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I found a rather interesting article recently that more and more junior/high schools in the USA have started a new curricula called "marriage." Its purpose is to prevent immature marriage and divorce. Some of the subjects covered include: "solutions to husband-wife quarrels", "Life management", etc. The courses simulate a wedding and help students create a budget plan for their honeymoon.
I wonder if such courses will really be useful to reduce divorce rates. There are a lot of things you can learn from books and classrooms, but marriage is one of those things you can't really understand until you actually encounter the event. Also, given the fact that the USA is a cultural melting pot, I wonder if such courses doing impinge on the rights of other regions and religions?
For example, in Mongolia, wives are sometimes shared among brothers. While one goes to the mountains to look after the herd, the other looks after the wife. Maybe this custom started because the birthrate of women was way lower than men. Or...
Herodotus wrote that, in ancient Egypt, women went to work, and men stayed home to weave. Daughters, not the sons, were responsible for taking care of aged parents. The main reason for this turnabout was that women inherited family property at that time. Interestingly, about 670 years ago in Japan, women also inherited the family house and assets.


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