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I came to the realization that I have to give up on using a conventional camera for overseas trips, after being X-rayed twice at airport security damaged my holiday snaps...
So, of course, I went on to the Net and searched for a "digital camera". There're so many types and sizes that I can't really tell the difference. In the land of "small things are beautiful" Japan, you get smaller, thinner, and lower price.
One of the good things about a digital camera is you can put pictures on the Net to share with your friends and families no matter where they are. And if broadband becomes more prevalent, you will be even be able to watch a wedding in real time from a remote area.
Well, before talking about the broadband, I have to figure out how to make my Yahoo BB connection work with my computer/mac at home. I've had a hectic 2 weeks since the modem was delivered and still haven't hooked up...


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