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"Green" Bathroom

I became aware one day that everything is becoming automatic, especially in the bathroom. I don't know about the men's bathroom, but everything works by sensors in the women's. You must have seen the faucet and soap work by sensor quite often, but how about the toilet? If you sit down, the water sound starts. When you finish, you can't find the flush bottom; it flushes if you walk away. Now even the toilet seat cover opens up when you approach!
I've seen many people confused by this technology, usually the elders who are used to the "old style" system, but it must be helpful for the people who are physically challenged. Also, easy to imagine, it's effective for cost cutting. For example, automatic flusher decreases the cost of water by JPY15k/month for a bathroom 100 people use per day.
Behind this trend, the big push for the renovation is Law on Promoting Green Purchasing (Law Concerning the Promotion of Procurement of Eco-Friendly Goods and Services by the State and Other Entities) set in May 2000 by the Ministry of Environment. This orders the government or governmental organizations to purchase "Eco friendly" products in a proactive way so that they stimulate the market for recycled/ecological goods.
Those goods tend to be more expensive than the generic ones. I believe it's a good thing that the government supports the Eco friendly acts, but wonder if they're spending my tax money effectively....


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