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It's already December, and some of you are probably busy organizing Christmas and year-end parties. As a world-famous metropolis, Tokyo has variety of restaurants with a wide range of pricing and styles. It looks like "healing" is still the trend, and new stylish and modern restaurants with dim lighting are taking over from hard-core restaurants. Although, there are many around, it's getting harder to find a reasonable restaurant with the right mix. Many restaurants have cool decor but forget what good service is, or, the food is great but the drinks are made from canned juices or premixed cocktails, etc. Of course there are some restaurants where the shortcomings are not worth bothering about...
For example, one evening my husband and I went to a nice restaurant which has been in Tokyo quite a while. The price range was about mid-high, interior was nice and there were lots of flowers. But, the service was terrible.
Obviously they had a bunch of part-time waiters with very little experience. It made me wonder if the price I was paying made it worth eating here and I wanted to tell them what their problems were. Perhaps they could hire me as a service improvement consultant, paid by barter instead of cash. This seems to be another trend in business at the moment, and I'd be happy to provide some consulting services in this area...!


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