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Hay Fever

Despite the snow we had last Friday, spring is approaching for sure, and so is hay fever season.
The weather news media are reporting frequently that the amount of cedar pollen expected this year will be 30 times greater than last year. As a result, you will see quite a lot of people wearing masks and glasses when commuting.
For those who are suffering or almost suffering from hay fever, here's a tour you might be interested in: "Cedar Pollen Hey Fever Retreat Tour" -- which is a tour that Kamishihoro Town in Hokkaido is planning. You get to stay 4 nights and 5 days, and the tour comes complete with hot spring visit, medical check at hospital, walks in the woods, hot-air balloon ride, etc. They're still organizing guinea pigs to participate as a trial, but have already received a huge number of applications.
As one of the Regional Vitalization Manager Businesses set by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, this tour is initiated by Kamishihoro Town for the purpose of promoting the Immune Resort, based on the idea of living in an environment which is free from allergens -- so as to balance your immune system and be healthier.
I don't need to join this tour right now, but I definitely want to go out and reset my balance in a nice hot spring somewhere....


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