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White Band

You see many people wearing "White Band" these days. I think it's a good way to PR those younger generation thru fashion and celebrities posing wearing these, to make them aware that there are lots of people who can't even eat for days and die from starvation.

One day, I saw an elementary school student, probably at 3rd or 4th grade at a famous private school (I can tell from his uniform and hat which school he goes to), wearing one. That scene somehow made me puzzled. Does he really understand "poverty"? Did his parents give it to him to wear because everyone has it, or because it's the latest cool item he must wear to school to show to his friends?

"White Band" are made well to appeal, not just to public, but to well to do, too. But does it really contribute to donation to those starving people? Not in Japan somehow. The system of "White Band" is not structured to collect money for donation to help those people needs real attention. Don't you think it's ironic, that this item is wrapped in a very nice, ideal, and even full of humanity to be presented to the public, but the reality is, abusing the semi-donation system to make money. Those people who are dying from poverty are just chum. They're even more exploited without knowing by such crafty people.

If you really care about helping people, do not show it off, but take action. It might satisfy your own ego having such fashionable item like the famous stars have you see in commercials. Make donation through UNICEF and Red Cross. It's very simple, you don't even need to pose.


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