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Thought on lunch

Gorgeous weather today. Took a walk to Azabu Juban and Roppongi Hills with Tonchan. Stopped by for my lunch at a reasonably well received restaurant, Rxjxx, and it was surprisingly bad I can't resist writing about ....! The restaurant is facing to a garden and has tables out, and I thought it was a family friendly place since I saw many mothers with kids/babies there. It was off peak, around 13:30, I imagined they could manage the service no problem, but I guess I was wrong.

Ordered the lunch before taking the table, so that I wouldn't have to wait too long. Took a seat which was right next to the serving corner that restaurant staff always came by. Settled Tonchan beside me. I was prepared. But they weren't, I guess....

The dish I wanted, salmon, was gone. Well, that happens. Ordered a hamburger steak instead. Asked them to bring me a drink first so that they wouldn't have to wait for me to finish my lunch. Next time when a staff came to my table, he brought me a main dish. I thought I had salad to come first, but, well, that happens. The hamburger steak had rice on the side, which was amazingly terrible. First I thought it was some special, healthy rice, but it wasn't; wasn't simply cooked well. It's so difficult screwing up cooking rice, and I've never had such bad one in my life. Really really bad. I looked around, couldn't believe people were eating this crap!! I left most of it. Then, the salad came. Still my drink wasn't showing up. Finished the food, wondering were my drink was, a staff came over and asked me if I finished my drink.

"Mmm, no, it's not here yet..."

He freaked up and came back with my drink, finally.

So, wondering why I had to pay JPY1,200 for such lunch, I figured it was for the table and status to be in this restaurant at THE ROPPONGI HILLS. Looking around, there was a huge group of mothers with infants using 10 tables, bulky baby carriers of the latest styles, with perfect makeups, curly long hairs, dressed in GUCCI, and whatnot. This wasn't a kind of place for me, wearing rugby shirt and jeans with a baby in Combi baby carrier. It was a to-be-seen place for wanna-be-fashionable people. I don't think I'll ever go back.

So, went on walking to B2F which has food court, bought a tuna & avocado role for the real lunch, and finished it at the table on the public space. It was good roles.


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