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Originally uploaded by piroko_kuroda

18 months check up today. Weight 9.97 kg, height 79.6cm. She had diarrhea for the past 3 days, and lost some weight. Dr. said she’s perfectly fine. One of the check ups were to see the kid’s brain is working right in connection with body, she was presented a puzzle with a circle, a triangle, and a square to fit in the each shapes. She knew which goes to which, but she tried to squeeze a circle into a triangle… o-oh, twisted gene is right there….

When we finished, Yuuka came for her check up, who’s back from India with her family for brief stay. She’s into kissing, and kissed Tonchan off course.

After lunch at J’s kitchen, went to my office for some more work. Tonchan fell asleep on the way to the office, and I managed to work for about an hour. Said good bye to the people around 16:00, and left for home.


Myron said…
The "twisted" 3-dimensional gene is clearly inherited from her paternal grandfather!

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