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It was already late for me.

It happened around 10 p.m. last night.

SECOM security system alarm started going off. It wasn’t the sign of break ins, but machine error. I hit a button and the alarm stopped, then SECOM called, telling me some radio wave interrupted their system, and wanted to come in for check up.

A guy showed up in 5 min. He opened the main system box, check here and there, beep and peep, turned on and off breaker, check each electric appliance’s radiation, for about 2 hours. He determined it was the light ball closest to the main system box. So, we shouldn’t turn on that light. OK. I thought it was all resolved.

Then he said to me that he had to re condition the entire system, the each box allocated in each room, and small magnets attached to the all windows. Well, you can’t just abort, can you?

Another good 1 hour, he opened the box and beep and peep again, keys and tools rattling, sometimes right next to Tonchan who was asleep, which made me chewing my fingernails that he might wake her up.

Around 1:15, he finished re setting, and left. I was too tired to sleep by then, but better get some sleep. I woke up around 5:30 this morning. Another long day started.


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