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Coffee break this afternoon

Saw a kids' event at Starbucks this afternoon. First I thought they were having a birthday party, but they were having make-your-own-cup and serve-coffee-to-your-mom and eat-sugary-things. It was something I've seen at McDonalds' birthday party that I had to host sometimes when I used to work there for part time, long time ago. Maybe Starbucks is trying to start selling to kids or through kids to expand their sales? They're in everywhere just like convenient stores these days, started selling instant coffees, then some high-priced freshly brewed for you coffee. They even started asking or suggesting some sweets if you go between meal times, just like McDonalds do "want a french fry with your burger?" kind of sales talk. I suspect they have their manual written up just like McDonalds.

I once seriously thought about working at Starbucks back in early 20s, although not at all now since I'm totally detoxed caffeine after pregnancy, and it keeps me up awake late like now. The drinks they promote are overly sugar loaded which can easily make me pass out. Although, we use it quite often as it's very convenient and kids can tell it by its logo from very far, even in overseas. Wonder what's their next strategy is....


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