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Annual health check

So, some health check results.
Bad numbers: ALT(GPT) was 55, which the average should be a range between 5 to 45, total bilirubin 1.6 which should be between 0.3 to 1.2. And my thyroid is bigger than average so I should go for detailed check up on this organ. I know ALT (alanine aminotransferase) was effected by taking lots of protein. And thyroid? Well, I have no idea but I guess I have to go back after the diet for more check ups....

My stomach was totally empty and even barium filling it up felt kind a nice, though it made me a little sick later. So, after a semi astronaut‘s training of rolling around on a rotating board for stomach check up, I took laxative and lots of water, hoping it would wash it down.

And my height increased about 1 cm, which I guess because of the good posture. Weight was also plus about a couple of kgs which wasn't a good news....


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