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20140111 Trip to Izumo by Sun Rise Izumo

"Express Sleeper Train Sun Rise departure 22:00"This is the train we are takingIt's coming soonHere it comes!Fast!Double decker train
A single roomA single twin roomBunk bedExciting!Pose!Snack time
With flashLooking outside on the bunk bedFound snowSnow ball fightUdon lunchNap time
Break while Mo was nappingZenzai (rice cake with sweet bean paste), and dried sea kelp and pickled plumHaving a cup of coffeeThe second gateToo bright!Fried chicken
Trip to Izumo and Sakai Minato started with sleeper train. Kids were too excited to go to sleep on the train. We stayed at hot spring called Tamatsukuri Onsen for one night, then flew back home the following day. It was cold and snowy though we had fun!


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