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Cherry Blossom Fair at TIS

Photos here.

After school, Ton came home, put her hula costume and did her hair, we headed to Tokyo International School for their Cherry Blossom Fair. She was scheduled to join a hula show there. It's the usual international school festival you can imagine which has the usual food booths, lots of activities here and there, raffle, etc., and familiar faces here and there. So, we got tickets, kids went off for purchase as they wish, some random shows were going, some complaints from the neighbors, cops appearances, we managed to have casual lunch of popcorn, Indian curry, lamb sausage, tamales, cupcake, Popsicle, etc. Then Ton and myself moved on to the rehearsal for the show, left Mo with papa. I had to help some new keiki with their hair and makeups as they were not familiar with the dress code for hula dance. It took a while to get on a stage, later than scheduled, though she did her great job! You can watch its video here.

She had to leave for ice skating right after the show, and we lost Mo twice, though it was fun.


Auntie Em said…
Great dancing. Thanks for sharing
Mama said…
So nice to see her dancing. A great video!
Myron said…
She's ready for tango!

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