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4th Day in Taipei

After breakfast and check out at hotel, we dropped kids at Kuwabara family's apartment for play date. We, adults, went on to 艋舺龍山寺 (Lungshan Temple), paid our visit to many gods there, had some ice tea, watching senior people hanging out in the area.

Then 華山1914文化創意園区 (Huashan 1914) to check out art stuff.

After picking up kids, we headed to 梁記嘉義雞肉飯 for chicken rice for lunch. It was packed with locals, and we made our order to go in bento, and had lunch at a park nearby. It was delicious, making us wanting to come back again.

Fun time flies fast, it was time to say good by to Kuwabara family. It was wonderful meeting up with all of them, and definitely we'll be back!

Photos here.


Auntie Em said…
This looked like a fantastic trip. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.
Love and hugs

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